How to open mobile site on pc? : Anonymous-proxy

Many people try to open mobile sites on PC / computer but they fail to do so, because most of the mobile sites not work on PC like that of, but you can open and access theses sites by this trick. Generally most of sites shows different data on mobile, i pads and on tablets, they know about device just by user agent and you can change this agent to mobile agent after using this agent you can simply unblock the mobile sites.

Access mobile websites on PC

Accessing mobile site on PC is not difficult, nor require any effort, you can simply open mobile site by user agent switcher, this is an add on of Firefox, you can use this only in Firefox, if you want to use it then follow the procedure given below :

Method to open mobiles sites on PC

  • First you should have Firefox installed, if Firefox is not installed then you can download[1] it from its official site[2] for free.
  • After downloading install it first,
  • Open[3] and install this add on[4], by simply clicking on ADD TO FIREFOX,
  • Here click on Allow,
  • then install it,
  • after installation restart Firefox,
  • Now go to TOOLS,
  • Click on default user agent switcher, and then choose I Phone 3.0, after selecting your PC act as mobile,
  • Now go to Mobile site, and use it as you want.

  • Hope you enjoyed this trick, share this with your friends and enjoy mobile sites on PC, if you have any difficulty then you can ask in a comment box, i will reply to your queries soon, explore our site for more information.


    1. ^ download (
    2. ^ official site (
    3. ^ Open (
    4. ^ add on (

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